Mark Cuban’s sales tip fixes a common mistake by authors

When I asked our daughter about her church last Sunday, she surprised me by saying, “Meh.”

It turns out an author had been invited to talk about his invention that’s helping people in need – and his faith journey along the way. Unfortunately, what could’ve been an impactful talk was eclipsed by an overly sales-y approach. What our daughter remembered most was the number of times his book was mentioned.

It’s understandable. Authors believe in their books. But Mark Cuban’s philosophy applies here: “To be the best salesperson, put yourself in the shoes of the person to whom you’re selling. Don’t sell your product. Solve their problems.”

It may help to think about your “big why.” Your purpose is to inspire, educate, entertain, or engage. So share information generously.

You can mention your book. And you might offer an incentive, such as a free chapter. But don’t make it the point. When you approach your audience, remember that it’s not about you. It’s about them.

What speaking tip has worked for you?

Ella Ritchie is the founder of Stellar Communications Houston, a nonfiction book publishing and business communications team that works with nonfiction authors, business leaders, nonprofits, and government agencies. Connect with her on LinkedIn, subscribe to the blog, or find out more on the website.

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