Book Publishing

Your most important decision in book publishing or business communications is partnering with the right professional. Read about our clients, team, and process. It’ll help you decide if we’re the right fit for you.
1. Collaborating with editor Tracey Timpanaro of 2T Communications 2.  At the book signing of Dr. Michael Attas

1. At the book signing of Dr. Michael Attas
2. Collaborating with editor Tracey Timpanaro of 2T Communications

Are we right for you?

It’s important to find the right book publishing professional.

It can be hard to know who to trust with your time, money, hopes, and dreams. Many authors describe their publishing experiences as confusing and disappointing.

With the right help, you’ll publish with confidence and excitement.

Here are three indicators that we’re the right fit.


You want to publish or promote a nonfiction book.

We publish and promote only nonfiction books.

That means we handle every detail, from manuscripts to marketing. And we deliver every format, from hardcover and paperback to e-books and audiobooks. Along the way, we often handle business communications.

We’ve published or promoted these kinds of nonfiction books:

  • Business book
  • Autobiography
  • Memoir
  • Corporate history
  • Family legacy
  • Bible study
  • Essay collection
  • Newspaper column collection
  • Self-help
  • Research study
  • Poetry collection
  • Medical training program

You want to self-publish.

Our clients are self-published authors. They keep 100% of royalties and control of their books.

You’re in good company if you’re a nonfiction author, business leader, family, nonprofit, or corporation. We develop authors and their books to look as polished as traditionally published authors. Readers can’t tell the difference.

You’re also in good company if you’re a ghostwriter, editor, or business consultant. Many industry pros trust us as “the missing piece” for their clients. What an honor! You can count on our end-to-end service to be organized, responsive, reliable, and collaborative. And you’ll get a referral reward as an expression of our deep gratitude.

Every client and colleague is a joy and privilege.

You have the budget to publish with us.

Book publishing with our team starts at $25,000.

The investment reflects the hundreds of hours we dedicate to you and your book at $75 per hour. We manage every detail of your book while you run your life and business. We’re right for you if you prefer to spend money on our professional process rather than spend time on a DIY approach.

If you’re considering a DIY approach, you can still schedule consultations as needed. Publishing or marketing consultations are $150 per hour.
Whether you partner with us or choose another path, we wish you all the best in your book publishing journey!

Curating poetry with client Pat Stone

Curating poetry with client Pat Stone

Author Bill Herrington at his book signing

Author Bill Herrington at his book signing

What is our process?

Our process begins with a phone consultation. We talk about your goals and vision. We find out what you want and don’t want. Then we form your publishing and marketing plan.

Here is our 5-step book publishing and marketing process.

  1. Materials development.
  2. Graphic design
  3. On-demand and offset printing
  4. Global distribution
  5. Certified marketing and author PR

When you’re ready, we guide you through each step of the process. Together, we celebrate milestones and fulfill your vision.

Darlene Taylor narrates her audiobook in a recording studio.

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