36 Tips on How to Get Book Reviews

36 Tips on How to Get Book Reviews

The biggest marketing problem you’ll face as an author will likely be getting book reviews. It’s hard to get people to leave reviews. They mean well, but most people don’t follow through. There are many reasons. People feel pressure, or they don’t have time. They don’t know what to say or where to go. And they don’t know how much it matters in influencing others to buy your book. The good news is that you can overcome some of these obstacles with a thoughtful approach. 

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Are You Afraid of Public Speaking?

Are You Afraid of Public Speaking?

Statistics say that 75% of us dread public speaking – some even more than death. Here’s what you should know about public speaking if you’re a nonfiction author hesitating to speak about your book topic.

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What are the 5 Steps of the Book Publishing Process?

What are the 5 Steps of the Book Publishing Process?

There are hundreds of big and small decisions that make the publishing process confusing for self-published authors. At their core, though, each step serves one of five purposes in publishing. Here are the five steps of the book publishing process. 

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Ditch These 5 Myths Before Publishing Your Memoir

Ditch These 5 Myths Before Publishing Your Memoir

Have you ever wondered what it takes to publish a memoir? It’s a profound journey for which memoir coach Marion Roach Smith gives counterintuitive advice. She says, “Pack light.” So let’s unpack five common myths about writing and publishing a memoir. We’ll ditch some incorrect assumptions about the genre. When you “pack light,” you tell a worthy story to the world and leave a legacy.

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25 Ways To Make More Money from Your Book

25 Ways To Make More Money from Your Book

In a Netflix docuseries about the Kentucky Derby, a breeder explained the real value of a win – and it’s the same insight as in book publishing. Here’s how to maximize the value of your book to make a bigger impact, diversify your income, and grow your business.

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Are you missing these front and back matter elements?

Are you missing these front and back matter elements?

The front and back matter surrounding your story prepare your audience, build anticipation, focus attention, and reveal your professionalism. Front matter can be viewed using the “Look Inside” feature on Amazon, making it powerful motivator to purchase your book. Here’s a list of different types of front and back matter of a book so you can consider which elements you can add to support your story.

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Why You Should Publish Your Nonfiction Book as a Series 

Why You Should Publish Your Nonfiction Book as a Series 

A nonfiction book series has a great marketing advantage. If readers like your first book, they’re more likely to buy all the books in your series. It takes the same effort to sell a standalone book as it does the first book of a series, but you have the potential for a greater return on investment from a series. Here are four ways to optimize and promote your book series.

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How to Revive a Sleepy Nonfiction Book

How to Revive a Sleepy Nonfiction Book

A little update can go a long way to refreshing a nonfiction book. That’s why we couldn’t wait to get our hands on career expert Michael Schoettle’s book. It was getting sleepy results on Amazon, so we took these four steps for a reboot.

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Coping with Criticism in the New Year

Coping with Criticism in the New Year

Our public pursuits – from our businesses to our books – can expose us to criticism and unwanted feedback. It’s easy to plug our ears in stubbornness. Or to let self-doubt sabotage our progress. Or to push back in defensiveness. Here are some thoughts as you put yourself out there in the new year.

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