What Nonfiction Authors Learn from Fiction Books
The best part of my vacation last week was reading early each morning. Although they were lighthearted fiction books, I couldn’t help but notice how both fiction and nonfiction rely on the same elements and techniques. Here are five literary lessons from fiction books for nonfiction authors.

How to Make the Most of Your Nonfiction Book Launch Party
A book launch party is a great way to reflect on your hard work, celebrate your milestone with others, and spread the word about your nonfiction book. Here are five tips to make the most of your book release.

How to Publish Images and Quotes in Your Your Nonfiction Book Without Copyright Infringement
Most nonfiction authors want to include quotes or images by others in their books. But copyright and intellectual property laws protect people from the unauthorized use of their creative work. How can you avoid hefty fines? Here are six ways to prevent copyright infringement in your nonfiction book.

What Amazon Doesn’t Tell You Can Hurt You and Your Book
The coffee I prepared for my husband on April Fool’s Day was actually chicken broth mixed lovingly with brown food coloring. I waited with the excitement of a 5-year-old for him to wake up. Unfortunately, there are bait-and-switches in nonfiction book publishing that aren’t as funny.

When Your Book Marketing Feels Like Bragging
An author recently said, “The most surprising part of publishing is the discomfort I feel talking about my book. I feel like I’m bragging.” It’s a common concern. Your genuine desire to impact the world may come with the awkwardness about how to spread the word tactfully. Here are eight ways to get past your fear and begin marketing your book.

Make Your Book Goal Happen This Year
If you’re still committed to a book publishing or marketing goal you’ve set for yourself this year, you’ve already overcome some pretty big odds. You’ve hurdled January 14, known as Quitter’s Day. You’ve made it past mid-February, when another 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail. What now? Here are three tips to help you stick to your book goals this year.

Not-So-Sweet Dedication Pages
I love dedication pages because they’re simple and sincere. They single out the person(s) to whom an author wants to dedicate a book. But not all dedications are sweet. Here are a few that might make you smile.

To Distribute or Not?
Today, self-published authors distribute their books to more than 40,000 retailers, libraries, schools, and universities. With the world at our fingertips, why would authors not choose distribution? You may be surprised at the number of authors who opt to keep their books private. Here’s why.

Celebrating 10 Years!
It’s finally here. The 10-year anniversary of Stellar Communications Houston. (Cue the balloons and confetti!) In honor of 10 years of business communications and nonfiction book publishing, here are 10 lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Four Popular Editing Guides, One Fundamental Rule
I have the privilege of publishing two Bible study books this season, so I’ve kept within reach “The Christian Writer’s Manual of Style.” It’s my go-to resource for editing faith-based materials. Here’s a look at four more style guides – and the fundamental editing rule they all have in common.
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