A Win-Win-Win Book Project
Last week was the release of Our Silent Voice. It’s an anthology of stories by survivors of sexual assault, harassment, and domestic violence by writers across the country, including two of our writers. It’s a powerful tool for healing. Anthologies are powerful for other reasons, too. Here are three reasons they’re win-win-wins.

‘Tis the Season for Family Gift Books
‘Tis the season for gift-giving! Family histories, memoirs, family tree posters, coffee-table books . . . The joy of publishing family keepsakes in time for Christmas is unmatched. Here are three things you should know before you publish a family book.

Why Did We Use 3 Printers for the Same Book Release?
For John R. Gammino’s new release, we used three printers for the same book to accomplish his different author goals. Here’s a breakdown of the purpose, pros, and cons of each printer.

Everything You Need to Know About Beta Readers
An author recently sagged when I recommended beta readers. After years of working on his manuscript, he’s ready to plow forward and finally see his book come together. But beta readers are worth the wait. Here’s what you need to know about betas – and how to form an effective group.

This is what’s waiting for you after your book release
Here’s a truth that many nonfiction authors don’t know: After months or years of developing your book, your book release is not the end. Here’s what you’ll face.

Why Are Writers and Editors So Expensive?
Have you ever wondered why writers and editors are so expensive? The answer is illustrated by this 1958 Rolls Royce ad.

When Your Family Doesn’t Care About Your Genealogy Project
Genealogy projects. They’re fascinating. Unless your family doesn’t think so. Here’s how to deal with disappointing responses.

What to Expect at the End of the Publishing Process
Endings are bittersweet, even in the publishing process. Here’s why.

What do these three people have in common?
Robert Kiyosaki, Mark Twain, and Irma Rombauer. Can you guess the common denominator?

Mark Cuban’s sales tip fixes a common mistake by authors
One simple sales tip by billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban goes a long way to fixing a common speaking mistake by authors.
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