How to Make Your Nonfiction Book Marketing Stand Out

How to Make Your Nonfiction Book Marketing Stand Out

We celebrated Darlene Taylor’s co-parenting book launch in Cincinnati, where unique details made both the city and the event memorable. In a world of places and products vying for our attention, it’s the things that make us unique that grab attention and stick with people. That’s why authors must set themselves apart from crowd. Here are five stand-out tips for you and your book.

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6 Word-of-Mouth Book Marketing Tips

6 Word-of-Mouth Book Marketing Tips

Nonfiction authors can’t ignore word-of-mouth marketing. According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family over all forms of advertising. So it’s important to get people talking to others about your book. Here are six ways to leverage word-of-mouth marketing for your nonfiction book.

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5 Creative Ways to Reveal Your Book Cover

5 Creative Ways to Reveal Your Book Cover

A reveal can be a fun way to involve others in your journey – and your book is no different. A book cover reveal is a great way to pique your audience’s interest before your nonfiction book is published. It kickstarts your marketing and builds anticipation. Here are five ways you can reveal your nonfiction book cover.

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What Nonfiction Authors Learn from Fiction Books

What Nonfiction Authors Learn from Fiction Books

The best part of my vacation last week was reading early each morning. Although they were lighthearted fiction books, I couldn’t help but notice how both fiction and nonfiction rely on the same elements and techniques. Here are five literary lessons from fiction books for nonfiction authors.

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What Amazon Doesn’t Tell You Can Hurt You and Your Book

What Amazon Doesn’t Tell You Can Hurt You and Your Book

The coffee I prepared for my husband on April Fool’s Day was actually chicken broth mixed lovingly with brown food coloring. I waited with the excitement of a 5-year-old for him to wake up. Unfortunately, there are bait-and-switches in nonfiction book publishing that aren’t as funny.

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When Your Book Marketing Feels Like Bragging

When Your Book Marketing Feels Like Bragging

An author recently said, “The most surprising part of publishing is the discomfort I feel talking about my book. I feel like I’m bragging.” It’s a common concern. Your genuine desire to impact the world may come with the awkwardness about how to spread the word tactfully. Here are eight ways to get past your fear and begin marketing your book.

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